Wednesday, October 21, 2009

WTF Wednesday

Do you know who those two people are above? No it's not Lloyd and Harry. It's our awesome Redskins franchise owner Dan Snyder and his GM Vinny Cerrato. I say awesome with the most sarcasm you could ever imagine in your whole life. Speaking of lives... they are ruining MINE! WTF!?!? Just leave our city and sell the Redskins to someone that will actually make smart decisions! Snyder, you cursed us from the moment you bought the team 10 years ago, double cursed us when you made Vinny your GM and triple cursed us when you invited Tom Cruise to our craptastic stadium. WTF?? GO AWAY AND STOP MAKING MY FOOTBALL SEASON MISERABLE!


  1. LOL, hang in there. And, if you get desperate, the Steelers Nation would welcome you in with open arms.
